Sunday, November 4, 2012

She got an erection !

Oct.24 the mast was raised for the first time ! One person and it went up very easy!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

All hulls meet !

 July 29 main hull is put on new trailer and set up for the joining of the floats.
 Aug. 8 the beams and folding system are assembled and the floats attached.
Aug. 27 the windows are installed.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lots of work Happening

Its been a while since my last post. There has been lots going on ! The beams have been fitted to the main hull and folded! The floats have been fitted to the beams to make sure everything goes together as it should.

The floats are painted and the main hull is next to be preped for paint.

The new trailer from Excalibur trailers in Brandford has been ordered !

Monday, May 14, 2012

Interior all painted
Coushions done and in.
Main hull out of barn for first time in five years

Main hull ready to joined with beams and floats

after joining all beams and hulls it will have final prep for paint

still lots of work yet to do

getting closer !

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mild but long winter

Winter has been mild but still to cold too get much done on the boat. I did get the cushions made for the cabin and berths. Thanks Mom !
 When the warmer weather gets here I will be able to get the interior painted !
I also had all the aluminum parts that I made anodized and they are read to be put on the boat once I start to assemble the hulls in late spring early sumer.
Getting closer !!!!